Ethical Production Email Template by Lorelita Designs

Dear (brand of choice), 

The fashion industry has impacted our environment negatively over time, and we are starting to see how an increase of clothing production, and bad production methods leads to tons and tons of water and land pollution. 

You claim to be an ethical clothing brand, so I was wondering how you are incorporating the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) into your manufacturing methods? I'd also like to know about your chemical management, and how you source textiles? Please guide me to where I can find this information, so as a consumer I can help change the future of our fashion industry. 

Transparency is very important to me as a consumer and I hope to hear from you soon,

(your name and IG)

Write to a Policymaker Email Template by Fashion Revolution

Dear ___,

The fashion industry is exploitative and dirty. There are more people working in conditions of slavery today than at any other time in history, and the fashion industry is the second highest sector at risk of modern slavery.

From an environmental perspective, the clothing industry is a huge contributor to carbon emissions. Clothing production pollutes waterways, destroys ecosystems, and sends a truckload of clothing and textiles to be landfilled or incinerated every single second.

I want the people who make the clothes I wear to have decent jobs, to be able to access their fundamental human rights and to earn a living wage, no matter where in the world they live. I want the clothing industry to use resources in a sustainable manner and take responsibility for the waste it creates. The government should implement regulation to ensure all companies are responsible for the impact they have on the lives of the people working in their supply chains, at home and abroad. What are you doing to address this?


[Name] [Post code/ Zip code] [contact details]

Workers Rights Email Template by Fashion Revolution

Dear …,

I am your customer, and I love your style.

However, I feel not enough positive change has happened since Rana Plaza collapsed, the tragedy which killed and injured thousands of garment workers in Bangladesh.

It is very important to me that people working in your supply chain are seen, heard, paid properly and working in safe conditions.

So please tell me #whomademyclothes and where I can find out more information about your supply chain.

Sincerely, [name]

[email address]